Maximum Resolution Video to Upload on Facebook

Like any other social media platform, videos seem to accept a greater reach and connect to the audience on a much higher level on Facebook. And for all the marketers and advertisers out there, Facebook ads are just icing on the cake.

If you lot don't optimize your video with the correct formats, y'all could waste a lot of time and money, which is why it becomes necessary to know the specs regarding the all-time video format for Facebook.

Facebook videos and Facebook video ads, in particular, are beneficial considering you get to annunciate your products on a platform that the audition already loves. Videos permit y'all to show off your brand or product forth with their features in a much more engaging way.

Facebook allows its users to post videos in several ways every bit Facebook stories, In-feed videos, and Live videos, merely to name a few. You can publish Facebook video ads every bit Instant articles, In-stream videos, and advertise your products in the Facebook market place.

One of the main reasons you should consider using Facebook to mail service your videos and ads is because Facebook develops algorithms to track users' connections and offer them the almost relevant posts. In simple words, yous go to target your audience more precisely.

Here are a few stats every bit of 2020 that will give you an idea of the growing importance of video specifications and how they impact your video's operation.

  • 15% of all Facebook content are videos – an increasing percentage and is a clear contrast to 2014, where video content fabricated up for only 5.47% of the total posts.
  • In terms of appointment, vertical videos seem to have the upper hand because information technology generates an engagement rate between 0.10% and 0.17%. That'due south a significant divergence when information technology comes to Facebook video stats.
  • A video clarification of over 300 characters tin can raise your posts' engagement charge per unit to an average of 0.39%. So make sure your videos take catchy and exciting descriptions.
  • The optimal video length for ameliorate appointment is between 2 and 5 minutes andis the optimal length that volition stimulate intent and repeated viewership from the audience.
  • Live videos that last over 1-60 minutes increase engagement from 0.19% to 0.86%. As opposed to pre-recorded videos, live videos have the ability of retention over a more than extended period.

Now, let's dig a little deeper to know more than about the technicalities of video specifications like the Facebook video format, video size limit, and other specs for Facebook videos.

What is the All-time Video Format for Facebook?

Ideally, the best video format for Facebook videos is MP4. While Facebook does support various other formats, it recommends uploading your videos in MP4 or the MOV format. MP4 is also the best video format for Facebook video ads. Facebook does support additional video formats.

Facebook also recommends uploading your videos with H.264 Codec and AAC audio for the best audio quality.

Why do Video Formats matter?

Nosotros hear a lot near making certain to choose the right format before uploading videos. But why is information technology so of import?

Today, people view videos on various platforms. From loftier-finish 4K theatres to video streaming cellphones, video is everywhere. And simply past understanding the multiple formats yous can ensure that your video is viewed the correct fashion with the best video quality.

Understanding codecs and why they're necessary can be a hard nut to crack. But to put it in simple words, codecs are compression-decompression algorithms that compress the video for a detail file format.

And equally mentioned earlier, H.264 is the recommended Codec past Facebook for your videos.

Facebook Video Specs and Placements for Video Ads

Let me now walk you lot through the different ways you can upload your videos to Facebook, too as some of the ad placements Facebook offers to publish your video ads.

1.Facebook Feed Videos

These are the regular videos that yous can upload to Facebook and are not paid for. You can reach out to your audience organically by sharing videos in your feed, posting videos in your friend'southward timeline, or in groups that you're a role of.

What are its Benefits?

Well, the virtually apparent benefit of posting these regular feed videos is that you get to relieve a ton of money. Just y'all can benefit from Facebook feed videos and boost your organic attain by post-obit some of the strategies listed beneath.

Video Requirements for Facebook Videos

  • Maximum length: 240 minutes
  • Maximum file size: 4GB
  • Supported attribute ratios: 16:9 (Landscape), 9:sixteen (Full Portrait), two:3 (Vertical), 4:5 (Vertical), 1:ane (Square)
  • Recommended size: 1280 ten 720px
Make utilize of text for your Facebook feed videos and enhance them like this 1 here by Guinness

Tips to boost your organic reach for Facebook Videos

  • Create invite-merely groups for your most engaged audition members. You tin use a branded group to build and nurture a community around your business. You lot could also create a product-specific group geared towards helping customers get the most out of a product or service that y'all offering.
  • Use organic postal service targeting. That's correct. Targeting isn't limited to but Facebook ads. To do so, enable the targeting feature on your page and choose from the categories that follow.
  • Partner with other Facebook pages in your niche. You could give each other regular shout-outs on your corresponding pages and also share weblog posts.

2. Facebook 360 Videos

Facebook took it up a notch by introducing 360-degree videos. These videos are created with a unique set of cameras that will simultaneously record 360 degrees of a scene. This means that you can cull to watch from any angle you lot want past simply dragging your finger around the video when the video plays.

You can view these 360 videos on your news feed. But before you try uploading them, make sure you get the right specifications. The 360 videos tin be either Monoscopic (viewed from a unmarried center or perspective) or Stereoscopic (viewed from the left and right heart perspective, giving the illusion of depth and altitude).

What are its Benefits?

This gives y'all the opportunity and ability to capture a 360 panoramic view and you lot can apply this to showcase your brand's human chemical element by recording groups, events, workspaces, and much more.

Video Requirements for Facebook 360 Videos

  • Resolution: Monoscopic – Upwards to 5120 x 256 Stereoscopic – Upwards to 5120 x 5120
  • Aspect Ratio: Monoscopic – ii:one Stereoscopic (Top-Lesser) – 1:1
  • Frame rate: 30 fps recommended
  • Duration: Upto 30 minutes recommended because longer videos may take a longer processing time.
  • File size: Up to 10GB recommended because larger file sizes may experience longer upload and processing fourth dimension.
Facebook 360 video of a rollercoaster ride by 'Canada's Wonderland'
A 360 video of a rollercoaster ride by 'Canada'southward Wonderland'

Tips to upload Facebook 360 videos

  • Don't forget to add the 360 metadata required for the video.
  • Here are a few tools that tin can assistance you add spherical metadata to your videos.
  • Enable Guide, a tool used to set up points of interest so that your viewers don't miss a single moment.

3.Facebook Instant Article Video Ads

This is a skillful way for content creators to create fast and interactive posts on Facebook. Approved publishers can choose to place their ads within their instant articles.

Facebook Instant Article Video Ads are optimized for fast mobile performance, rich storytelling capabilities, branded design, and customized visual display.

What are its Benefits?

  • It provides the best reading feel as they load four times faster than regular mobile web across various regions.
  • Higher engagement for your posts.
  • On average, Facebook users open 44% more manufactures when they're published as Instant manufactures than as mobile links.

Video Requirements Facebook Instant Article Video Ads

  • Video ratio: ix:sixteen to 16:9
  • Recommended resolution: Upload the highest-resolution video available that meets file size and ratio limits.
  • File size: 4 GB max.
  • Minimum video length: 1 2d
  • Maximum video length: 240 minutes
  • Captions: Non available
  • Sound for video: Optional

Tips for uploading Instant Video Articles

  • To begin publishing, y'all must have an existing Facebook page and be the admin or editor of that page.
  • Retrieve that creating an Instant Commodity does not automatically create a Facebook post on your page. And so make certain y'all do that and then share its link.
  • You can add together an email signup form to articles to get more than data about your readers from Facebook.

4. Facebook In-Stream Video Ads

As the name suggests, these ads pop up or appear during, earlier, or afterwards video content. Advertisers can identify these v-120 sec ads afterward partnering with live streams from a select grouping of approved partners. Yous tin place these ads on Facebook or the Facebook Audience network.

What are its Benefits?

  • Over lxx% of Facebook in-stream video ads are viewed to completion, virtually with sound on.
  • In-stream videos give you improve visibility, increment appointment, and improved brand awareness.
  • These ads target specific segments of the audience, and and so they're handy to create make awareness among the audition that is most probable to be interested.

Video Requirements for Facebook In-stream Ads

  • Video ratio: 16:9 to 9:sixteen, 16:ix recommended
  • Recommended resolution: Upload the highest-resolution video available that meets file size and ratio limits.
  • Maximum file size: iv GB max
  • Video length: v-120 seconds
  • Captions for video: Optional
  • Sound: Optional, but strongly recommended
Best Video Format for Facebook - A 15-sec In-stream ad
A 15-sec In-stream ad before the video

Tips for uploading In-stream video ads

  • Apply short videos to get the attending of your audience quickly on mobile. We recommend keeping your Facebook In-stream video ads at vi seconds.
  • Include your brand name or logos within the first few video frames so that information technology creates maximum bear upon.
  • Endeavor and target the most relevant content category that aligns with your brand. For example, a sports beverage advertising for a sports highlight.

five.Video Ads for Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace is like your very own virtual yard auction. You get to buy and sell a diversity of items from clothes to gadgets in your community. They could be used items likewise every bit new items. While a lot of people tend to use static images, using videos will help your products stand out more and will grab the user'due south attention instantly.

What are its Benefits?

  • Yous tin help your brand achieve a wider audience past posting video ads on Facebook's Marketplace.
  • Videos are a really powerful tool to utilise as they give the audience a better understanding of the product and can help you increase conversions.

Video Requirements for Facebook Market place

  • Video ratio: 9:sixteen to xvi:ix
  • Recommended resolution: Upload the highest-resolution video available that meets file size and ratio limits.
  • Maximum file size: 4 GB
  • Minimum video length: 1 2nd
  • Maximum video length: 240 minutes
  • Captions: Not supported
  • Sound for video: Optional simply recommended
  • Text: 125 characters
Facebook video ads and shopping items that appear on Facebook Marketplace
Facebook video ads and shopping items that appear on Facebook Marketplace

Tips for using video ads on Facebook Market place

  • Take your photos and videos of your product. Avoid using pictures or videos that don't belong to you considering almost buyers tin can recognize when y'all have borrowed an image.
  • Video thumbnail images that consist of more than than xx% text may experience reduced commitment.
  • Vertical videos (with attribute ratio taller than 2:3) may be masked to 2:3

6.Facebook Stories and Ad Stories

Like Instagram stories, these are full-screen vertical 15-sec videos that appear between stories and disappear in 24 hours if they're organic Facebook Stories. On the other hand, Facebook Stories ads are similar fifteen-sec ads but do not disappear in 24 hours. These are one of the nigh viewed and engaging video formats and an excellent place for ad.

What are its Benefits?

  • Facebook had 150 million active users for stories only fourteen months after it had launched. Hence proved how powerful a medium it is.
  • Better visibility since Facebook Stories appear right at the top of the app and viewers are more probable to view them as shortly as they enter the app.
  • 62% of people surveyed said they have become more interested in a brand or product subsequently seeing it in stories.

Video Requirements for Facebook Stories and Stories Ads

  • Video ratios: 1.91 to 9:xvi
  • For videos under 9:16: Coloured gradient bars are rendered in a higher place and below. Content from the "Text" field is placed beneath the video.
  • Maximum file size: four GB
  • Captions for video: Non bachelor
  • Sound: Optional
A Facebook ad story past 'So Yummy' and their artistic use of text

Tips for uploading Facebook Stories

  • You could consider leaving xiv% of your video's top and lesser gratis from text or logos then that your video'southward key elements don't go covered by the profile icon or the telephone call to action/reaction.
  • Create fourth dimension-sensitive exciting content. One of the factors that make Facebook stories compelling is considering they are brusk-lived. So try and make the most of the limited time that stories offer.
  • Focus on more than merely promotion. Build a connection with your audience by sharing backside the scenes, milestones achieved, and other moments in your business that tin add together a personal touch to it.

7.Facebook Instant Experience

Formerly known equally Canvas, Facebook'south Instant Feel is a total-screen visual treat designed to reduce the gap betwixt the viewers and the message. Information technology comes under the collection ads format where y'all can add a embrace image or video and show multiple products underneath. Within an Instant Feel, you can engage in videos and images, swipe through carousels, explore diverse lifestyle products and do all of this in a unmarried advertizing.

What are its Benefits?

They are optimized for mobile and load up to ten times faster than mobile spider web. They are likewise easy to create, and you can do so past using their like shooting fish in a barrel-to-employ templates or customizing 1 for yourself.

Video Requirements for Facebook Instant Feel Ads

  • Resolution: Videos should be a minimum of 720p. Higher resolutions volition ameliorate quality.
  • Duration: In that location is no limit to the number of videos each Instant Feel can support, but their combined duration cannot exceed two minutes.
  • Ratio: Build for a portrait. If necessary, videos will resize for landscape view with a pillar box.
  • Multiple videos: Avert placing two auto-play videos on the screen at in one case to forestall competing playback.
  • Thumbnail: The starting time frame of each video serves as the thumbnail or poster frame.
  • Captions: Captions are non recommended inside Instant Experience videos.
  • When using collection: The collection hero video is shown at the peak of the Instant Experience. Therefore this video must also adhere to these requirements.

Tips for posting Instant Experience videos

Yous can creatively use Instant Experience to tell a story about your make. Y'all can also link two or more Instant Experiences so that your audience discovers more content.

viii. Facebook Cover Video

Facebook comprehend videos are short videos that appear at the top of your Facebook page above your contour moving picture. Y'all could always cull to upload a cover photo, simply a video speaks a million. And so uploading a cover video can heighten your page a lot more than.

What are its Benefits?

Facebook cover videos allow y'all to tell a little more about your brand. You become to highlight your make's message and promote your product all in the frontline.

Video Requirements for Facebook Cover Videos

  • Video dimensions: It should be at to the lowest degree 820 x 312 pixels. For best results, upload a cover video that's 820 x 462px.    Annotation: The Facebook mobile app cuts off the cover video'southward sides, making it 640 pixels wide and 360 pixels tall.
  • Duration: Between 20 and xc seconds
  • Video aspect ratio: 16:9
  • Video size: Try to keep it under ane.75GB
  • Maximum resolution: 1080p
Best Video Format for Facebook - A Facebook Cover video with creative text animationxt
A Facebook Cover Video by Lehigh Valley with Dear with artistic text animation

Tips for uploading Facebook Cover videos

  • Always remember to keep them short
    You don't desire to overwhelm your viewers with too much information. So make sure you stick to just your crucial message.
  • Make sure it starts and ends with a natural loop
    This is because your video volition autoplay when a user visits your page.
  • Go on the size of your video in mind
    While uploading your video, Facebook crops it down to a sixteen:nine ratio. Add together all your main text captions to the video center to avoid getting cut off in the sides.

Promise you have a amend understanding of the various kinds of Facebook videos that you can upload, their specifications, and their different advertising placements.

Permit's look at how Typito can human activity as a Facebook video format converter allowing you to consign it in the best video format and the various attribute ratios you can utilise to create your videos.

How can I convert a Facebook video to MP4?

Information technology's effortless. There are plenty of online video converters that allow you to convert your video to the required format. Well-nigh all the editing software likewise allows you lot to export your videos in the MP4 format.

Typito likewise exports your video after all your edits equally an MP4 file. Here are some of the aspect ratios with which you can create your Facebook videos using Typito.

The different aspect ratios Typito offers for Facebook videos
  • 16:9 Widescreen: This works best for your Feed videos, In-stream Videos (5-15 secs), Instant Manufactures
  • 4:5 Vertical: This works best for your Feed videos, giving them a nice long portrait view.
  • 2:3 Vertical: This once again works best with your Feed videos and is opted because about users view the app through mobile phones.
  • nine:xvi Vertical: Yous can use this format for your Feed videos, but they are mostly used for Stories giving information technology a dainty full-screen portrait view.
  • 1:1 Foursquare: They are all-time suited for Feed videos, Carousel ads (the one with the multiple images or videos), and In-stream videos (5-xv secs)
  • 1:1 Foursquare Letterbox: They work well with Feed videos and Instant Articles, assuasive yous to more information about your product using text.
  • 21:9 Comprehend: Yous can utilize this to create your Facebook Cover video that volition appear at the top of your page.

Facebook Video Advertizing For 2021

2020 has been a pretty tough twelvemonth for businesses in all sectors, including e-commerce. But the picture must become on. Ad strategies for Video in 2021 are going to be completely different from the past two years. And then, here are a few critical strategies for Facebook advertisement to go on in mind.

  1. Investing in mobile video content
    Y'all should optimize your video content for mobile users. People nowadays are speedily discovering Facebook merely through phones. Some key points to recall to optimize mobile viewing of videos:
  • Make certain the videos are 5-15 secs long.
  • It should be optimized for sound-off considering people tend to view the videos when they're silent. And so you should focus on using headlines and subtitles.
  • Information technology should also be optimized for mobile. So, 4:five, 2:3, and ix:16 attribute ratios are an excellent fashion to become.
  • Take hold of your viewer's attending by placing the logo in the first 5 seconds of the video.

2. You'll need to do a lot of testing for your ads and get creative
For the few months of 2021, you'll need to test a lot of your ads by posting various content types and figuring out which of them connect better with the audience.

3. Make employ of Facebook Live
This will probable be one of the fastest rising trends in 2021. Its usage increased in 2020 when consumers turned to Facebook Live to appoint with people nearly. So yous can promote your brand in a much effective way and reach a greater audience.

4. Pay more attention to client service
Make customer service a tiptop priority as 49% of consumers are saying they unfollow brands due to poor customer service. And with the current pandemic, you can't beget to lose customers in 2021. Make an attempt to handle customer inquiries in a better way and satisfy their needs.

Terminal Thoughts

With over 2.half dozen billion monthly agile users, Facebook has gained such a massive audience that makes information technology impossible for marketers to ignore. Facebook has so much potential to help market your brand, whether past organic reach or the ability to target a niche audience for more qualified leads.

Numbers aside, it all comes down to corking content. Facebook is slowly making the shift to more video content, and then it's fourth dimension to brand the near of it. Choosing the right format and other specifications get key here.

While nosotros're rooting for your creative ideas, we're too here to ease out your process of creating well-designed brand videos for Facebook.

Get Started with Typito

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